Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Our behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.
Our school values spell out our name and they are the vales that every member of staff at Elmore Green truly believes in. They are clear, achievable and non-negotiable:
Learning for Life
Make a Difference
These values encompass the positive behaviours we expect from our children at all times whether in or out of school, including behaviour exhibited on-line or whether they are within or outside of our school.
The school rewards good behaviour. Our policy is designed to promote good behaviour, rather than merely deter anti-social or unacceptable behaviour. It is our expectation that children will behave appropriately at all times. We believe that every child needs to be given opportunities to raise their self-esteem, but they also need clear guidance on what is, and what is not, acceptable behaviour. They need to know what will happen if they do not uphold our school values.
At Elmore Green we operate the ‘Good to be Green scheme as an effective way of promoting positive behaviour, rewarding those pupils who consistently behave appropriately, and is a means of being able to track those pupils who find it harder to meet our expected standards of behaviour.
The scheme is very visual, with child friendly resources which allow our pupils to easily see how they are doing in class. We use Class Dojo to demonstrate all behaviours and as all parents are connected to Class Dojo, you will get ‘real-time notifications on your child’s behaviour while they are in school.
Every child starts their day on a positive note with a green card displayed in their pocket of the Class Chart. The card says - ‘It’s Good to be Green!’ and the children soon learn to associate being on Green with a feeling of having done the right thing.
Staff award ‘positive’ Dojos for green behaviours.
If, during the day, in lessons, or at break times, your child has to be reminded or warned of inappropriate behaviour, or has broken one of our values, then they will be given Yellow Warning Card will. These warnings give a child the opportunity to reflect, consider and review their behaviour. If a child is already on a Yellow Warning Card, and they have to be spoken to again about unacceptable behaviour, then they may be given a Red Card. These behaviours are recorded on Class Dojo, with a brief description of why the ‘card’ or warning dojos were given. There are consequences for both Yellow and Red Cards.
Rest assured, all staff at Elmore Green have high expectations of behaviour and follow our policy consistently and whilst we do understand that at times our opinions of what is acceptable may differ to yours, we would implore you to take some time to read the policy fully and support our actions should you need to. Our policy ensures we have a happy, harmonious school where every child is safe and can access the learning in their classrooms.
Persistent Red Card behaviour could result in exclusion. Any child who is regularly receiving warning cards is a cause for concern, and as such their parents or carers would be notified with a view to working together to ensure their child upholds the values of Elmore Green and behaves in the way that we would all want.
We have a wide range of initiatives and programmes which reward good behaviour. These are outlined in the School Behaviour & Discipline Policy as are the reasons why Yellow and Red cards maybe be awarded.

Good To Be Green