Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

Charging & School Monies
Information Relating to the Charging for School Activities​
The school governors have given consideration to the L.A. policy and adopted the guidelines set out by the Authority.
Before every school educational visit, parents will receive a letter detailing information about it. The letter may request financial support a voluntary basis and there is no obligation to pay. However, without voluntary contributions, it would be impossible for visits to take place.
The school reserves the right to prevent a child from attending a residential visit either if the costs have not been totally or partially met by families (depending on circumstances).
School Monies
Elmore Green Primary School uses ParentPay for payments to school for School Trips and Activities.
You can download the app or use www.parentpay.com to login.
If you require a login, please contact Mrs Murray on 01922 710262.