Elmore Green Primary School
Learning is Limitless - Make Every Moment Count

School Uniform & Appearance
The school has a uniform which pupils are expected to wear, since we believe that it helps to develop a corporate spirit and an identity with the school, as well as helping the pupils prepare to learn.
White/gold polo shirt (not yellow) with or without the school logo
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores (not leggings)
Green jumper or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
Green and white gingham summer dresses can also be worn in the summer and initial part of the Autumn term
Black, white or grey socks
Black, grey or dark green tights
Black shoes (no raised soles or heels) or trainers
Black pumps for indoor PE
Trainers may be worn for outdoor PE
School PE kit – this is purchased from school via a one-off cost to parents of £5.00 when the child starts school.
Swimwear – one-piece swimming costume or swimming trunks (optional swimming hat, although this is advised for pupils with long hair so that they do not have wet hair on the walk back from the swimming baths and for the rest of the school day).
Pupils are also not allowed to wear the following;
Skirts or shorts that are too short or tightly fitted
Leg warmers
Large, colourful and decorative belts – belts should only be used for the purpose they were intended
Scarves – neck or head (as indoor wear- unless for religious purposes)
Jewellery (see below)
False Nails
Nail Varnish
Make up
It is part of our school policy that children do not wear jewellery. The only exception is the wearing of 1 pair of stud earrings and/or a watch. Staff should ask pupils to remove additional items and make clear to the pupil that they (the pupils) are responsible for the safety of that item until it is taken home. All jewellery must be removed prior to P.E. lessons. If children cannot do so, they will be asked to cover jewellery with steri-tape (provided by the school) in order to be allowed to take part in PE lessons.
Pupils are provided with a book bag when they start school in the Reception class which they will use throughout Reception & KS1. Once pupils get into Year 3, they are provided with a small drawstring bag to carry homework and reading books throughout KS2. Parents can replace these bags at a cost of £1.60 should they become lost or damaged. School do not permit the use of other school bags as there is limited space to store these.
Helping to Reduce the Cost of Uniforms
At Elmore Green, we understand that buying uniforms can be costly and have taken steps to try to keep the cost to a minimum by:
Ensuring items with the school logo are optional so that these can be purchased from local supermarkets and high-street retailers so that parents can shop around to obtain the best price.
Avoiding specific requirements for items such as coats, bags and shoes so these can be worn on non-school days too.
Limiting the requirements for particular items e.g. PE kit (school provide this with just a £5 cost when your child starts school so that parents only need to source pumps/trainers).
Avoiding different uniform requirements for different year/class/house groups; at Elmore Green all pupils have the same uniform requirements.
Making sure that arrangements are in place for parents to acquire second-hand uniform items
Uniform Donations and Second-Hand Uniforms
Parents are encouraged to donate uniforms that are in good condition no no-longer required termly.
Please send in your unwanted uniforms by the last Wednesday before school break up for Christmas, Easter and the summer holiday.
This is collected by Bloxwich Community Partnership where parents can buy second hand uniform at a reduced cost from: Palace Play Shop Eat, Blakenall Row, Blakenall, WS3 1LW.
Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE footwear, and that every item is:
Clearly labelled with the child’s name
In good condition.